Tips to Help you Sell Your Home
When selling your home It is important to present it as best you can, things like first appearance or the street view are very important but you don’t always have to spend a lot of money to make a big difference.
If you are on a budget there are plenty of little things you can do to make a big difference.

Here are a few suggestions of some things you can do,
As I said street appeal, clean the house sounds silly but a fresh clean home looks good!
It looks like the family that lives there is proud of the home so the prospective buyers will look at it more positively. Clean the gutters inside and out, simple, clean gutters look good. Clean the windows, looks good and you’ll be amazed how much more light comes in. Make sure the entry/ front door look good. Again clean the area or if you’re touching up paint, perhaps paint the front door. Make sure the garden is well kept and tidy. If there is any rubbish, mess around outside, tidy it up get rid of it. Prune back overgrown trees and shrubs, again just looks tidy, loved. Feed the garden beds if needed a month before the sale, The plants will lift in a couple of weeks, A month before you intend to put your home on the market gives the lawn a weed and feed. 2 weeks later the grass will bounce back and look great! If needed throw some new tanbark in the garden beds. If you have paved areas and they are dirty or have mould etc clean the paved areas. A few nice looking well-placed pot plants and ornaments look good too. I hope these few tips help, I’ll put up a few ideas for inside your home soon,
Good luck selling